The ARAFMI’s (Association for Relatives and Friends of the Mentally Ill) telephone support is available to carers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The telephone support line gives carers access to someone who is able to listen, at any hour. The telephone support line provides callers comfort in knowing that someone who understands […]
ARAFMI provides free information and support services to family members and friends of people with mental health issues. Professional family support counsellors are available for free, one-to-one counselling by phone or in person (by appointment) in the Perth metropolitan area. There is no session limits and a person can re-access the service as many times […]
The Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia (NT) is a non-government organisation providing high quality recovery-based programs in Darwin and Alice Springs. The Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia (NT) offers support, advocacy, information, referral, respite and education for carers, family, friends and people affected by mental illness.
Mental Health Carers Tasmania can assist individuals, families and friends, and the wider community to receive information and gain a better understanding of mental ill health and mental illness. Mental Health Carers Tasmania can direct you to the best place to find the help you need by providing information and support and by helping with […]
Mental Health Carers ARAFMI NSW is a community based organisation that provides support to family and friends of people experiencing a mental illness by offering support, advice and information on mental health, the mental health system and programs.
The Suicide Call Back Service is a free, 24-hour, nationwide service that provides professional telephone counselling to people 18 years and over who fit one of the following categories: People who are suicidal People caring for someone who is suicidal People bereaved by suicide The Suicide Call Back Service is especially suited to people who […]
The Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team provides a service for the assessment and treatment of mentally unwell people in crisis situations in the ACT. The service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
PANDSI provides support, information and referral services to women and their families who are affected by depression in pregnancy or after the birth of a baby (perinatal depression). The support services include regular telephone support, facilitated group support, exercise support, yoga evening support group, one-on-one client meetings, partners’ information groups and playgroups. PANDSI also undertakes […]
Northern Territory Crisis Assessment Telephone Triage and Liaison Service (NT CATT) is a free and confidential 24-hour hotline for mental health inquiries from anyone experiencing a mental health crisis or concerned about someone’s wellbeing. Calls to the hotline are received by qualified members of the Top End Mental Health Service who can provide support and […]
13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to all Queenslanders wanting to discuss health concerns. Qualified staff provide confidential and supportive advice on who to talk to and how quickly you should do it. The service is available for the cost of a local call. Calls […]
TRISS (Telephone Referral Information Support Service) provides resources, information, referrals and emotional support to people with a lived experience of mental illness, carers and professionals regarding mental illness (not just schizophrenia). TRISS is available Monday to Friday, between 9:00am and 5:00pm.
Information and referral for people living in New South Wales on issues relating to anxiety disorders. Callers can speak to someone who understands. All calls are treated confidentially. Callers can remain anonymous and no personal details are retained. The Anxiety Disorders Information Line is available between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday for the cost […]
The Helpline provides support, information and referrals to people living with anxiety, carers, families, friends and professionals. The Helpline is available Monday to Friday, from 10:00am to 4:00pm.
Information, telephone support and referral for people living in New South Wales on issues relating to mental health. Callers can speak to someone who understands. All calls are treated confidentially. Callers can remain anonymous and no personal details are retained. The Mental Health Information Service is available between 9:00am and 5:00pm, Monday to Friday for […]
The SANE Help Centre provides the information, guidance, and referral individuals need to manage mental health concerns. They offer: A helpline (1800 187 263) – Talk to a mental health professional (weekdays, 9am-5pm AEST). Helpline chat – Chat online with a mental health professional (weekdays 9am-5pm AEST). Helpline online – Email the SANE Helpline via […]
The Youth Support Line assists young people who are between 12 to 25 years of age and want information or someone to talk to. The service provides immediate counselling and support over the telephone, an SMS call-back service and information on other services. The service is free, confidential and available to young people in the […]
MensLine Australia Online and Video Counselling is a free, anonymous, confidential online counselling service that helps men deal with relationship and family concerns in a practical and effective way. To access the MensLine Australia Online and Video Counselling, click on the following link
The Shed Online is an online social community for men. Like the original Men’s Sheds, The Shed Online is a place for men to socialise, network, make friends and share skills. It aims to recreate the atmosphere of ‘real life’ Men Sheds (a safe space where men can feel confident to discuss and exchange information). […]
If someone is in danger or needs immediate medical attention, call 000. ACT1800 629 35402 6205 1065Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team NSW1800 011 511Mental Health Line NT1800 682 288Crisis Assessment Telephone Triage and Liaison Service QLD13 43 25 8413 HEALTH SA13 14 65Mental Health Assessment and Crisis Intervention Service TAS1800 332 388Mental Health Services Helpline […]
Young carers are children and young people up to 25 years of age who help care in families where someone has an illness, a disability, a mental health issue or who has an alcohol or other drug problem. For support and assistance call 1800 242 636.
The beyondblue Support Service provides information on depression, anxiety and related disorders, available treatments and referrals to relevant services. CALLYou can call the beyondblue Support Service for the cost of a local call. Callers can access immediate counselling support that is provided by a team of trained mental health professionals. The beyondblue Support Service is […]
healthdirect Australia is a free (mobile phone charges may apply), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week telephone health advice line that is staffed by Registered Nurses to provide expert health advice. They will provide advice on how to manage your condition at home. The nurse can also connect you to an emergency service […]
Life with a baby or young child can be unpredictable and sometimes you just need to talk to someone, that’s why the Tresillian Parent’s Help Line is so popular. Callers can ring any time of the day or night and speak to one of Tresillian’s qualified Child and Family Health Nurses on any aspect of […]
The Karitane Careline is a 7-day per week service that operates the following hours: Monday to Thursday12:30pm to 9:00pm Friday to Sunday9:00am to 3:30pm Child and Family Health Nurses are available for consultation on a wide range of issues concerning infants and children from birth to five years of age. If the Child and Family […]
The Pregnancy, Birth and Baby Helpline provides free information, referrals and/or confidential support. Counsellors are available between 7:00am and midnight (AEST), 7 days a week. Outside of these hours, other staff are able to provide information and referrals, and have the capacity to arrange a counsellor to call back at a convenient time to the […]
The Child Care Access Hotline is a free telephone service that provides information to help callers find a child care service that meets their needs. The Child Care Access Hotline is available via Freecall 1800 670 305 between 8:00am and 6.00pm, Monday to Friday (charges apply on calls from mobile phones). A service is also […]
GriefLine provides free, confidential online counselling to anyone in the community who needs support in relation to grief and loss (eg due to mental health, depression, loneliness, health, carer support, relationships, death, exclusion, migration, refugee experience, unemployment, family violence, abuse or addictions). The GriefLine Online Counselling Service enables access to services via online requests for […]
The Family Drug Support Line provides support to families affected by alcohol and other drugs. The Family Drug Support Line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The MIFWA (Mental Illness Fellowship WA) information line provides information on mental illness, support services, treatments and referrals. Please note: the service does not have doctors to provide medical or clinical advice to individuals. The service is free and confidential and any personal information provided is not used for any other purpose or passed on […]
Parentline is a telephone information service that is available throughout Australia: Parentline Australian Capital Territory(02) 6287 3833 (cost of a local call)9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to FridaySee website for additional information Parentline New South Wales1300 1300 52 (cost of a local call)9:00am to 9:00pm, Monday to Friday4:00pm to 9:00pm, Saturday and SundaySee website for additional […]
The ARAFEMI Carer Helpline provides free, confidential information, support and referral for family, carers and friends of people with a mental illness. Health professionals and other interested groups many also use the service to find out about supporting families and carers in the community. The trained telephone support workers provide the Helpline service and are […]
Lifeline’s 13 11 14 service is staffed by trained telephone crisis supporters who are ready to take calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from anywhere in Australia. These crisis supporters operate from Lifeline Centres in every State and Territory around Australia. Lifeline telephone crisis supporters are ready to talk and listen no […]
Kids Helpline is a free, 24 hour, 7 days a week counselling service for Australian kids and young people aged 5 to 25 years. Help is provided over the phone, email or internet. PHONE COUNSELLING When kids call the Kids Helpline, they are connected to a counsellor after listening to a message about the counselling […]
Carers Australia can provide carers with information, advice and referral to services that can assist them in their caring role. The Carer Advisory and Counselling Service provides emotional support, advice, information and referrals for carers.
Individuals can chat to Lifeline one-on-one using the Crisis Support Chat which is available 7 days a week, from 8:00pm to 4:00am (AEST/AEDT). Anyone in Australia experiencing a personal crisis or thinking about suicide who feels more comfortable contacting Lifeline online rather than over the phone can use this service. During a chat session, trained […]
PANDA’s Helpline is available in Australia from 10:00am to 5:00pm (AEST), Monday to Friday. PANDA’s Helpline provides vital support, information, referral and counselling to thousands of Australian parents and their families. Callers do not need to have a diagnosis of antenatal or postnatal depression to make contact with the Helpline. PANDA is keen to support […]
For urgent assistance contact the Ambulance or Police on 000 or go to the Emergency Department at your local hospital.
The Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centre can provide information on getting time out, extra support in the home and ideas about how to get breaks when you need them.
Relationships Australia provides information, support and advice on relationship issues. Relationships Australia service providers are located in each Australian state and territory.
MensLine Australia is a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, free, anonymous, confidential telephone support, information and referral service that helps men deal with relationship and family concerns in a practical and effective way.
For use by families where a parent has a mental illness, their supporters, and services who work with them.