This storybook is for children aged 6-11 years whose parent or relative has a drinking problem. The first page feature guidelines and suggestions for schools about the way this text should be used. It is suggested that the text not be used in classrooms, but that schools or teachers call for specific guidance and information: […]
This storybook (which features a first page with guidelines for parents or carers to read) is for children aged 6-11 years whose parent or relative has a drinking problem. It can be use to start a conversation with children in a similar situation, so they can talk with you about what it’s like for them. […]
This guide was developed in partnership with parents who live with a mental illness, their children and supporters. It is designed to help parents think about the relationships in their child’s life and ways to strengthen these to support their child and the family unit.
The Our Time playgroups are designed specifically for parents who experience a mental illness. The Our Time Manual provides information about the development, implementation and evaluation of the Our Time Playgroup model for organisations. It also provides practical information for facilitators and parent peer leaders. It is hoped that the manual will be a useful […]
This beautifully illustrated children’s book,finished in watercolour,is for children 5 years and above. It helps them tounderstand the behaviours associated with experiencing bipolar disorder. The book follows the story of Daddy Bear and his family as he has a bipolar episode. His children are dragged along on his rollercoaster ride where he starts many activities […]
The Big Red Book is the first handbook and directory for people who work with young people in the ACT. It has been designed for use by a range of professionals who may have contact with young people including youth workers, general practitioners and teachers. In addition to providing service profiles, this handbook also provides […]
This story is a metaphor for a child living with an adult who experiences mental illness. Big and Me is dramatically illustrated with paper sculpture. The story follows Big and Small who are machines that work together as a team. But some days Big goes a bit wobbly, and Small gets worried. Big malfunctions in […]
This workbook about the topic of mental illness is for 8-12 year olds. It contains information and activities to help young people understand more about mental illness, self-care and coping with their feelings. Updated, the bright workbook includes illnesses such as anxiety and borderline personality disorder. The workbook can be used in a group setting […]
This story book has been written for children of parents with dual diagnosis (mental illness and substance abuse). It can also be used to work with parents tohelp them understand their children’s needs and to identify what they can do differently to help them. This publication was developed by the NSW Department of Community Services […]
This is a resource that accompanies the ‘Piecing the Puzzle Together’ booklet. Produced for early childhood workers, it helps them work with children and families where a parent has a mental illness or mental health problem. It was produced with input from staff in childcare centres and junior primary education. Additional support resources for educators […]
This is a practice resource developed by ‘Brighter Futures’ (a NSW Government early intervention initiative) about parental mental health issues, and vulnerability.
This booklet for children (aged 11-14) has been produced by Support In Mind (Scotland). It isa supportive book designed to be read by family members or used as a communication tool by professionals who work with families. It offers information aboutwhat mental illness is, what common mental health terms mean and how mental illness can […]
This key document provides guidance for both organisations and individuals across a wide range of jurisdictions. It is the culmination of an extensive review of the literature and of consultations with parents who have a mental illness, their carers and children, service providers and experts.
This booklet is for parents living with a mental health problem or mental illness, whose children are aged between 2 and 7 years. It’s also for partners, family and friends. It contains helpful ideas about being the best parent you can when you’re not as well as you’d like to be and ways to support […]
Parents with depression may feel depleted by the burden of coping with their illness and unprepared for the challenge of providing a healthy environment for their children. This guide, based on more than ten years of study of depressed parents and their families, offers strategies, action plans, and resources to help depressed parents provide for […]
‘Even Mummy Cries’ is a beautifully illustrated storybook which explores issues surrounding mental health and wellbeing to young children in an age-appropriate way. ‘It is reassuring in nature, explaining to children that they are not to blame for any sadness experienced by their parents. In addition, it encourages parents to openly express their sadness with […]
This booklet was written in Finland and translated into English for parents who experience mental illness, with advice around parenting when you’re unwell. “Parents who have psychological difficulties often worry about their children. Parenting may not work out like before. Tiredness may rob parents of strength and patience. They may also wonder how their children […]
This booklet was written in Finland and translated into English for young people who have a parent who experiences mental illness. It attempts to explain what mental health problems are, and answer common questions that young people have.
This booklet was written in Finland and translated into English for parents struggling with drug or alcohol use. It allows parents to reflect on the impact of drug and alcohol use on their children, and offers ideas to help their children and family, including a practical Action Plan. “The minds and hearts of these parents […]
This booklet is for teenagers of parents who experience mental illness (from 12–15 years and above). It is a resource that parents can offer their children or practitioners can provide to them when supporting parents and families. The booklet answers common questions that teenagers have and offers support and advice. Produced alongside professionals, parents and […]
This guide was originally produced for use by professionals when supporting parents with mental illness and their families. It is intended to help provide parents with time to think about being a parent living with mental illness, and to help them find practical ways to strengthen the social and emotional wellbeing of their children and […]
When Mummy wears her happy pants we build sandcastles, go out for baby cinos and have lots and lots of cuddles. But when she comes home with baby Darcy, her happy pants stay in her wardrobe… “Postnatal Depression effects 1 in 7 women. Happy Pants is a heartfelt way to help older children know that […]
Journey to Wellville was created by a group of parents who have a lived experience of mental illness. These parents were looking for an appropriate way to open up discussion with their primary-school aged children about living with mental illness. They workshopped some of the ways in which their illness presented, how it looked, sounded, […]
This is a children’s book that is written in rhyme, looking at post natal depression (PND) from a child’s perspective. It is suitable for children from 2 years old and is a great way to help young kids to understand that ‘it’s not their fault’ and that ‘mummy will get better’. The book is beautifully […]
For use by families where a parent has a mental illness, their supporters, and services who work with them.