Helping my child and family
- Parenting with a mental illness
- Helping my child and family
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If you are a parent experiencing mental illness, there are lots of ways that you can help your child and family
The pages in this section are offered as guides to what may be useful planning or talking tools for you and your family. It is an opportunity to be prepared and think ahead about the ways in which you can support your child and the family unit, during tough times and when things are running more smoothly.
This includes ways to:
- keep connected when you’re unwell (or in hospital)
- talk about mental illness with your child
- your child’s support network
- use ‘care plans’ to prepare for tough times
- talk to your child’s school
- maintain routines when things get difficult
- manage household chores
- find help when you are worried about your child
Wanting to be a good mother to my kids (even though at the time I thought I was worthless) was what kept me trying to find peace and recovery.
Jane, a mum with mental illnessDownload Free COPMI Resources
For use by families where a parent has a mental illness, their supporters, and services who work with them.