This two-page information sheet provides tips on talking with teenagers about their parent’s mental illness.
Talking to children about parental mental illness can help them to make sense of their parent’s behaviour andcontribute to their own sense of wellbeing. This fact sheet provides some tips to assist parents to talk with theirchildren.
Talking with a toddler about parental mental illness can help them to make sense of the illness. This fact sheet provides some tips to help parents to talk with toddlers about it. ‘Whether it’s you or your partner who’s well, unwell or becoming well, how you communicate with your toddler is really important. Small children […]
Communicating with a baby about parental mental illness can help them make sense of their parent’s behaviour. This fact sheet provides some tips to help parents communicate with their baby about it.
Talking to teenagers about parental mental illness can help them to make sense of their parent’s behaviour and contribute to their own sense of wellbeing. This fact sheet provides some tips to assist parents to talk with theirteenage children.
The aim of ‘Gateways to Evidence that MatterS’ (GEMS) is to provide a summary of recent Australian and international research concerning children of parents with a mental illness (aged 0-18 years), their parents and families. While research in this area is growing, there is a lack of evidence-based practice when working with families affected by […]
For use by families where a parent has a mental illness, their supporters, and services who work with them.