Resource Library

Search through a collection of resources related to mental illness

For use by parents and families, children, professionals who support them and other groups.

Resource Articles:

Supporting Kids in Primary Schools (SKIPS)

SKIPS is a program for primary schools. It deals directly and honestly with the issue of mental illness in families. The program gives teachers straightforward information about mental illness and gives them practical strategies for supporting children living with a parent with mental illness. It highlights how schools can support those families as part of […]

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Horizons: Healthy Minds, Healthy Families – Narrabundah

Horizons is a service to families in the ACT where one member of the family has a mental illness which is impacting on the health and wellbeing of the whole family. The program is aimed at families where at least one child is in the 0-8 year age group. Referral does not require a clinical […]

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Bungee Youth Resilience Program – Belconnen, Tuggeranong

The Bungee Youth Resilience Program is designed to support children and young people aged 5-18 years to develop self-confidence and build resilience. The activities promote creativity and social learning as positive ways of enhancing resilience, positive self images and emotional wellbeing in children and young people. The Bungee Youth Resilience Program offers creative and recreational […]

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St Nicholas’ Young Carers Program – Canberra/Goulburn

St Nicholas’ Young Carers Program provides holiday camps, day activities, peer support and leadership programs for young carers in the ACT. The St Nicholas’ Young Carers Program is run by youth volunteers including young carers who have experienced the program as participants. Participants must be aged 9-17 years.

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COPMI young carers group – Murrumbidgee Local Health Network

Provides information, education, support and advocacy for young carers 8-18 years of age .

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Barnardos South Coast ‘POPPY’ Playgroup – South coast Wollongong

POPPY (Parents Opportunity to Participate in Play with their Young Children) – Barnardos South Coast ‘POPPY’ Playgroup is a playgroup for families of young children (0-5) where a parent has a mental illness. It is facilitated by a Family Worker and an Early Childhood Teacher who assist parents with parenting, health, child development and other […]

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Temporary Family Care Respite Program offering peer support and education – Canberra

The Temporary Family Care Program consists of a Mental Health Respite Program which provides care for children and young people from 0 to 17 years who experience mental health or whose parents experience mental illness. The program consists of: Short term crisis care (up to three weeks) Regular monthly respite care (up a period of […]

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POPPY (Parents Opportunity to Participate in Play with their Young) Playgroup – South coast Illawarra

POPPY Playgroup is a supported playgroup for parents of children 0-5 years where the parent has a diagnosed mental illness. The Playgroup supports parents to play with children giving particular attention to children’s development and play interests and also offers information sessions featuring guest speakers. The sessions include information on child development and related behaviour […]

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Kookaburra Kids

Kookaburra Kids supports children 8-17 who live in a family affected by mental illness, by providing FREE camps and other activities that are fun, healthy, positive and safe. This early intervention program has been developed and implemented to achieve the following outcomes: To provide children and young people with respite from the stress they experience […]

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Centacare SMILES Program (8-11 yrs) – Tamworth, Armidale

SMILES Program: Simplifying Mental Illness + Life Enhancement Skills. TARGET GROUP: Children aged 8-12 yrs old who have a parent or sibling experiencing a mental health problem (specifically schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression or anxiety). PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: 3 day program (9am-3pm) usually delivered during the school holiday period or a 6 week program (1 day a […]

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YP-COPMI team – Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Hunter Valley & surrounds

Covering the geographical areas of Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, the Hunter Valley and surrounds. Consultation and education to Tamworth, Moree, Inverell and Armidale as requested. YP-COPMI is a clinical team whose staff include a clinical psychologist, two clinical nurse specialists and a registered nurse. YP-COPMI is part of Child and Adolescent Mental Health however, works within […]

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Young ARAFMI, Kids connecting – Central coast Kincumber

Our Weekly meetings provide the opportunity to make new friends with other young people who share the common experience of living with a family member with mental health issues. The group objective is to have fun, share and talk with others who experience a common problem, while developing some useful coping strategies. The program also […]

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COPMI Co-ordinator, youth programs – Western Sydney Local Health Network (East)

The COPMI Co-ordinator works in partnership with mental health services to facilitate service enhancements for families where a parent has a mental illness. The NSW COPMI Framework for Mental Health Services 2010-2015 provides the overarching framework across services, and the local Western Sydney Local Health Network COPMI Implementation Plan (2010-2015) provides specific direction for all […]

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Holyoake Family Alcohol and Other Drug Programs (Kaleidoscope Plus Program) – Sydney

The Kaleidoscope Plus Program runs over 8 weeks and offers a safe and therapeutic environment for children and young people aged between 5-17 years who have been affected by a family member’s alcohol and other drug issues co-occurring with mental illness. The Kaleidoscope Plus Program aims to: increase children and young people’s understanding about the […]

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COPMI Clinician, Youth Programs – Northern Beaches

The Northern Beaches Mental Health Service has one part time COPMI clinician. The clinician works across adult and child and adolescent mental health as well as with other statutory and non-government agencies to promote best practice in working with parents who have a mental illness and their children (0-18) The role includes the following activities: […]

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Connect for Kids – Northern Sydney, Central coast area

The Connect for Kids program is a 3 day program providing information and support for children who have a family member living with a mental illness. The program provides specific information on depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. The Connect for Kids program runs from 9am to 3pm, and is delivered in the school holidays. […]

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COPMI Program, Youth – Sydney Local Health Network

Covering the geographical areas of Marrickville, Redfern, Camperdown, Canterbury, Croydon, Bankstown and surrounds. Provision of resources, clinical work and group programs for families and children where a parent has a mental illness. Education, in service and consultation also provided to community members, health staff, education, non government organisations and other services regarding COPMI issues.

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Young Carers Program – Auburn, Blacktown, Hills Shire, Holroyd, Parramatta

The Young Carers Project is a nationwide program supporting young people up to 25 years of age who are caring for a parent, grandparent or sibling with a mental illness, disability, chronic health issue or drug and substance abuse issues. These children have been identified as being at risk of not completing their secondary education […]

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COPMI Program, Youth – St George and Sutherland Shire

CONSULTANCY ROLE Providing consultation to adult mental health workers and child youth and family staff around COPMI cases. Advice to community organisations regarding COPMI issues. CLINICAL ROLE Short term clinical work with COPMI cases where either the parent or the child is a client of mental health services. Joint family assessments with adult mental health […]

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Prevention Team – Parenting and COPMI, Child programs – Central coast Gosford

COPMI’s position coordinates a range of prevention and capacity building strategies: education, training and consultation for MH services and key partners such as service development for COPMI services on the Central Coast, facilitating Mental Health and Parenting programs for parents with mental health problems, facilitating mental health first aid programs and mental health literacy programs […]

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Family Inclusion Network Outreach – Central coast Gosford

FIN-NSW was developed to support families/parents that have children in out-of-home care (OOHC) or are at risk of losing their children through the child protection system. Parents with a mental illness make up a substantial proportion of these families. FIN-NSW provides information, support, advocacy and education to families and professionals alike. The main intake number […]

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Kids with Confidence – Bendigo

Kids with Confidence is a program for children and young people aged 7 to 18 years who have a member of their family who is affected by mental illness. The program provides a mixture of education and support. This is done through a range of family sessions, group programs, fun activities and resources including a […]

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Little Munchkin’s Supported Playgroup for COPMI – Wangaratta

A supported playgroup for parents who have a mental illness and complex family needs. The playgroup provides a pathway for families to access other community child centred programs and acts as a referral base for more complex needs, for both parent and child. The playgroup sessions run every Monday during the school term from 10am […]

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AMEND (Assisting Mothers End the Need for Drugs) Program, Child service – Burpengary-Waterford West and Gold Coast

The AMEND Program provides an 18 session home-based relapse prevention and parenting enhancement program to pregnant and parenting women who experience problems related to their use of alcohol and other drugs. The program also provides individual or group counselling and support to children aged 0-18 affected by a parent’s or caregiver’s substance use. The AMEND […]

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Young Carers Project – Brisbane south

Young carers are children or young people who help care for a family member or friend who has a chronic or terminal illness, or disability, or mental illness, or alcohol/drug issue, or who is frail. Young carers usually have more responsibilities in their households than their peers, and their caring role can have a significant […]

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Our Space: Metro South COPMI Program, Youth service – Logan-Beaudesert and Gold coast

Our Space is a mental health promotion, illness-prevention and early intervention program. It aims to provide psycho-education, peer support to reduce feelings of isolation, opportunities to build resilience and coping skills, improve self-expression and creativity, as well as fostering a positive learning environment for children and parents, siblings or close relatives with a mental illness. […]

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Growing Together School Holiday Program – Cleveland, Wynnun, Redlands areas

We offer a FREE school holiday program for school aged children/teenagers who have a parent with a mental illness. We have a waiting list for anyone interested, and groups are run on a needs basis. The groups are run offered to similar ages such as 8 to 10 years, 10 to 12 years, and 12+ […]

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Supported Playgroup for Parents with Mental Illness – Ipswich

Supported Playgroup for parents with mental illness and their children aged 0-5 years. Free playgroup with 2 playgroup workers to facilitate activities. Parents are required to stay with their children. Run on Thursday mornings from 9.30am to 11.30am during the school terms at the Riverview Neighbourhood Centre, Riverview.

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Sunshine Coast Koping Program (SC-Koping), Youth services – Maroochydore

The Sunshine Coast Koping Network (SC-Koping, 2002) is an association of government and non government agencies working collaboratively to support children and young people in a family system affected by mental health and/or dual diagnosis issues. The SC-Koping Program’s overarching aim is to reduce the impact and intensity of mental illness and dual diagnosis on […]

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FAPMI – Barwon and Colac

A joint project initiative between Barwon Health Mental Health and Glastonbury Community Services, operational since 2003. Funded as part of the statewide FAPMI with additional funding from Barwon Health and Glastonbury. Elements of the project include: Education of adult mental health staff, school, child and family sector. Facilitation of group programs for adolescents and primary […]

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Early Parenting Centre

The Queen Elizabeth Centre (QEC) provides a range of specialised care, support and guidance to help parents manage the various challenges that arise during early parenthood, from before birth until 48 months. Priority is given to families that face physical, psychological, intellectual or environmental challenges that compromise their ability to provide an environment that nurtures […]

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Eastern Parentzone Program – Melbourne eastern metro area

Eastern Parentzone provides resources to parents and professionals who work with parents, across the eastern metropolitan area of Melbourne. Parentzone staff facilitate parent education groups and workshops in the office at Lilydale and at various other locations (eg community agencies, schools and community houses). Limited one on one consultations are available for parents. In addition, […]

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COPMI Coordinator, Youth – Penrith – Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District

Activities: Consultation, supervision and advocacy. Education and training for Mental Health Workers and other professionals. Groups for children, adolescents and parents. Local implementation of the NSW Children Of Parents with a Mental Illness (COPMI) Framework for Mental Health Services 2010-2015.

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Women and Children’s Program, Child Services

The Charmian Clift Cottages offer support and accommodation for mothers that live with a mental health issue and are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Aims of the program: To provide safe and secure accommodation To enable mothers with mental health issues to become more independent To help them develop their living and parenting skills […]

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POPPY (Parents Opportunity to Participate in Play with their Young) Playgroup – Canberra South

POPPY (Parents Opportunity to Participate in Play with their Young) Playgroup is a supported playgroup for mums and dads with mental health issues and their children (aged one to five years). POPPY Playgroup provides an opportunity for individuals to meet others and share experiences while having fun playing with their young children.

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Mum’s Well Being Group – Banyule

The Mum’s Well Being Group is for women who are at risk or have a diagnosis of antenatal/postnatal depression or anxiety with a baby under 12 months of age.

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Carer Support Services – Hawthorn, Dandenong, Rosanna

ARAFEMI is a non-profit community based organisation, which works from a recovery perspective. ARAFEMI is unique as it houses both the peak support agency for carers of people with a mental illness and a broad range of consumer services. Our mission is to promote and improve the wellbeing of people affected by mental illness. Our […]

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CHAMPS Programs – Eastern metro area

Eastern Health FaPMI (Families where a Parent has a Mental Illness) coordinates direct programs for families that are run in partnership with other organisations. Eastern Health FaPMI runs CHAMPS which is a suite of peer support programs for children aged 8-12 years in families where a parent has a mental illness. The aim of the […]

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Supporting Kids in Primary Schools (SKIPS)

SKIPS is a program for primary schools. It deals directly and honestly with the issue of mental illness in families. The program gives teachers straightforward information about mental illness and gives them practical strategies for supporting children living with a parent with mental illness. It highlights how schools can support those families as part of […]

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PATS (Paying Attention To Self) – Lilydale eastern & outer eastern region

Paying Attention to Self is a program for young people 12-18 years who have a parent with a mental illness. The program includes: An 8 week group run in school terms Social activities throughout the year A Young People’s Reference Group that incorporates a mental health promotion education partnership with Uniting Care Community Options -Commonwealth […]

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Download Free COPMI Resources

For use by families where a parent has a mental illness, their supporters, and services who work with them.