The Temporary Family Care Program consists of a Mental Health Respite Program which provides care for children and young people from 0 to 17 years who experience mental health or whose parents experience mental health illness. The program consists of: Short term crisis care (up to three weeks) Regular monthly respite care (up a period […]
ARAFMI has three part-time Carer Peer Workers who offer assistance and support to friends, family and Carers of someone with a mental illness, diagnosed or not. This is a free service which a person can access as many times as they need. The Carer Peer Workers are carers of someone with a mental illness themselves […]
The Family Support Program recognises that building family resilience is the foundation for achieving positive outcomes. The Family Support Program will: promote and develop resilience and recovery in families assist in the prevention of unnecessary hardship through early prevention strategies assist families to participate in community life.
The Carer Consultant role supports the carers and families of mental health consumers in Mimidi Park, Rockingham General Hospital. The Carer Consultant runs support groups and education and training events. One-to-one support is provided by the Carer Consultant whereby information on mental health, the carers experience and support services for the carer and family can […]
The Individual Psychosocial Rehabilitation Support Services provide community support and independent housing for people with mental health related disabilities in the Salisbury and Elizabeth area. Support is provided in the areas of accessing and maintaining independent housing, daily living skills, community linkage and personal support to maintain health and wellbeing. The Individual Psychosocial Rehabilitation Support […]
The Smiles Program provides in depth information and education about mental illnesses and offers children a chance to have their questions answered and meet other children who may be experiencing similar things. The program is available to 8-12 year old young carers. The program is designed to increase coping skills, reduce feelings of isolation and […]
ARAFMI has two part-time Carer Advocates who can assist friends, family and carers who provide support to someone who has a mental illness, diagnosed or not. The Carer Advocates can provide the following: Information for individuals. Support to self-advocate. Have the advocate speak on their behalf. Obtain assistance from the advocate. Receive referral support. Obtain […]
The Carer Respite Program is a free program that is run throughout the year for friends, family and carers who provide support to someone with a mental illness, diagnosed or not. The service provides respite from their caring role and includes carer pamper days, youth camps, massage days, consumer recreation groups and access to a […]
The COPMI Consultant works across adult and child and adolescent mental health services to support the needs of children and families where a parent experiences a mental illness or mental health disorder. CONSULTANCY ROLE Providing consultation to adult mental health workers and child youth and family staff around COPMI cases. Advice to community organisations regarding […]
The Carers SA ‘Young Carer Program’ supports young carers, up to the age of 25 years, who provide care and support for a parent, partner, child, sibling, relative or friend who has a disability, is frail aged, or who has a severe mental or physical condition. The Young Carer Program team can provide information, referral, […]
The ARAFMI Carer Support Group invites carers of people with a mental illness to join ARAFMI on the third Wednesday of each month. ARAFMI provides an opportunity for carers to network, share skills, gather information, listen to guest speakers and relax and support each other in an informal and welcoming environment. Regular support group get-togethers […]
The Mental Health Carer Respite Program covers the council areas of Salisbury, Playford and Gawler. The program delivers flexible, individually tailored support to meet the needs of carers of people with a mental illness and their families.
The KOPING Program is provided to young carers aged 13-15 years who have a parent or family member living with a mental illness. The program is designed to increase coping skills, reduce feelings of isolation and increase self esteem. The young people obtain information about mental illness and caring, and participate in activities (eg art […]
The CYCLOPS (Connecting Young Carers to Life Opportunities and Personalised Supports) program supports young carers aged 10-18 caring for a family member affected by mental illness, chronic illness, disability and/or alcohol and substance misuse. The services provided include one-on-one support, intensive case management, information, advocacy, referral, support groups, social and recreational activities and community education […]
Litmus is a support service for young carers and their families where there is a family member affected by mental illness. The services provided include one-on-one support, intensive case management for the young carer and their family, support to the family member affected by mental illness, information, referral, advocacy, support groups, social and recreational activities […]
The Young Carer Respite and Information Program assists young carers who need support to complete their education due to the demands of their caring role. The program has two components: RESPITE SERVICESRespite services enable school aged young carers to access respite and age appropriate support, including educational, social and recreational activities (eg time off to […]
The Resource Options and Support for Carers (ROSC) Program provides services to carers residing in metropolitan Adelaide. Carer Consultants work closely with carers to identify the issues, concerns and/or needs of the carers in order to develop individual Carer Support Agreements (CSA). The CSA outlines the supports and services to be put in place to […]
Who Are Young Carers?Anyone up to 25* years of age who is completing primary, secondary or VCAL education, or intending to re-engage with school, who is providing significant support to someone with a disability, mental illness, drug and alcohol problem, or is frail aged. They may be a relative or a friend. * Respite services […]
Young carers are children and young people, 25 years or under, who help to support a family member or a friend who has a mental illness, disability, drug or alcohol dependency, chronic condition, terminal illness or who is frail. The Young Carer Program at Carers NSW was created to make a positive difference to the […]
Provides information, education, support and advocacy for young carers 8-18 years of age .
St Nicholas’ Young Carers Program provides holiday camps, day activities, peer support and leadership programs for young carers in the ACT. The St Nicholas’ Young Carers Program is run by youth volunteers including young carers who have experienced the program as participants. Participants must be aged 9-17 years.
The Young Carers Project is a nationwide program supporting young people up to 25 years of age who are caring for a parent, grandparent or sibling with a mental illness, disability, chronic health issue or drug and substance abuse issues. These children have been identified as being at risk of not completing their secondary education […]
Young carers are children or young people who help care for a family member or friend who has a chronic or terminal illness, or disability, or mental illness, or alcohol/drug issue, or who is frail. Young carers usually have more responsibilities in their households than their peers, and their caring role can have a significant […]
The Queen Elizabeth Centre (QEC) provides a range of specialised care, support and guidance to help parents manage the various challenges that arise during early parenthood, from before birth until 48 months. Priority is given to families that face physical, psychological, intellectual or environmental challenges that compromise their ability to provide an environment that nurtures […]
ARAFEMI is a non-profit community based organisation, which works from a recovery perspective. ARAFEMI is unique as it houses both the peak support agency for carers of people with a mental illness and a broad range of consumer services. Our mission is to promote and improve the wellbeing of people affected by mental illness. Our […]
The Australian Government funds the national Young Carers Respite and Information Services Program to provide support to young carers. The Young Carers Respite and Information Services Program assists young carers who need support to complete their secondary education or vocational equivalent due to the demands of their caring role. Young carers are children and young […]
The Raw Energy Young Carer Support Program aims to work with Young Carers (aged 5-25) in ways that are respectful, meaningful and supportive to them as individuals in a caring role. Our goal is to provide Young Carers with opportunities to develop personal skills, knowledge and relationships that support them to make positive life choices. […]
For use by families where a parent has a mental illness, their supporters, and services who work with them.