The Australian Government funds the national Young Carers Respite and Information Services Program to provide support to young carers.
The Young Carers Respite and Information Services Program assists young carers who need support to complete their secondary education or vocational equivalent due to the demands of their caring role.
Young carers are children and young people up to and including 25 years of age who help provide care in families where someone has a mental illness, disability, chronic illness, is frail aged or has an alcohol or other substance problem.
The program has two components:
Enables school aged young carers to access respite and age appropriate support, including educational, social and recreational activities, for example time off to study for exams, tutoring, skills development or activities during the school holidays.
Respite services are delivered by the network of Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centres. For further information contact your local Centre on 1800 052 222*.
Young carers up to and including 25 years can access information, advice and referral services, including referral to counselling to support them in managing the challenges they face as part of their caring role.
Information, referral and advice services are delivered by Carers Australia and the networks of state and territory Carer Associations. They can be contacted on 1800 242 636*.
*A free call except from mobile phones. Calls from mobile phones may incur additional costs.