COPMI Resources

Think child, think family: How adult specialist services can support children at risk of abuse and neglect

Author: Dorothy Scott

This article focuses on how adultspecialist services can support children at risk of abuse and neglect.

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Stress and resilience factors in parents with mental health problems and their children

Author: Lester Parrott, Gaby Jacobs and Diane Roberts

This SCIE briefing focuses on research regarding factors contributing to stress or resilience in families where one or both parents have mental health problems.

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SCIE Research Briefing 29: Black and minority ethnic parents with mental health problems and their children

Author: Ruby Greene, Richard Pugh and Diane Roberts

This document covers research that aids an understanding ofthe experiences of UK black and minority ethnic (BME) families where one or both parents have severe or enduring mental health problems and where children are under the age of 18. The briefing does not include older people (those aged 65 and over), dementia, detailed evaluations of […]

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SCIE Guide 30: Think child, think parent, think family – a guide to parental mental health and child welfare

SCIE has published a revised version of their Parental mental health and child welfare guide (first published in July 2009). The guide, which is about working with parents who have mental health problems and their children, has been updated to include’Putting it into practice’. The resource reviews the findings from the ten implementation sites across […]

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Working together with families and carers: Chief Psychiatrist’s Guideline

Author: Department of Human Services, Victoria

‘Clinical practice needs to be more sophisticated in the assessment of the role of family and others as carers and in their engagement in treatment and care so that it places appropriate value on the vital role that carers play in the recovery process. It establishes a partnership between clinicians and carers based on respect […]

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Why Draw Genograms Anyway?

Author: Jay Memmott

This powerpoint document very simply outlines what genograms are and how to use them to effeciently obtain family history and help you understand the target family and its members.

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Even Mummy Cries

Author: Naomi Hunter

‘Even Mummy Cries’ is a beautifully illustrated storybook which explores issues surrounding mental health and wellbeing to young children in an age-appropriate way. ‘It is reassuring in nature, explaining to children that they are not to blame for any sadness experienced by their parents. In addition, it encourages parents to openly express their sadness with […]

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How Can I Help My Children? A Guide To Parents Who Have Mental Problems

Author: Tytti Solantaus

This booklet was written in Finland and translated into English for parents who experience mental illness, with advice around parenting when you’re unwell. “Parents who have psychological difficulties often worry about their children. Parenting may not work out like before. Tiredness may rob parents of strength and patience. They may also wonder how their children […]

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What’s Up With Our Parents? A Handbook For Older Children and Adolescents Whose Mother or Father has Mental Health Problems

Author: Tytti Solantaus

This booklet was written in Finland and translated into English for young people who have a parent who experiences mental illness. It attempts to explain what mental health problems are, and answer common questions that young people have.

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How Can I Care For My Children? A Handbook for Parents Struggling with Drug or Alcohol Use

Author: Tytti Solantaus

This booklet was written in Finland and translated into English for parents struggling with drug or alcohol use. It allows parents to reflect on the impact of drug and alcohol use on their children, and offers ideas to help their children and family, including a practical Action Plan. “The minds and hearts of these parents […]

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The ‘Family Focus’ DVD

Author: The COPMI national initiative

Many parents who experience depression or anxiety worry about whether they should talk with their children about their illness and how much they should say. The Family Focus DVD helps parents to start the conversation with their children. Parents experiencingdepression or anxiety should follow three steps to viewing these videos: 1. Watch the ‘parents’ video […]

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When your parent has a mental illness

Author: The COPMI national initiative

This booklet is for teenagers of parents who experience mental illness (from 12–15 years and above). It is a resource that parents can offer their children or practitioners can provide to them when supporting parents and families. The booklet answers common questions that teenagers have and offers support and advice. Produced alongside professionals, parents and […]

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‘How can I help my child?’

Author: The COPMI national initiative

This guide was originally produced for use by professionals when supporting parents with mental illness and their families. It is intended to help provide parents with time to think about being a parent living with mental illness, and to help them find practical ways to strengthen the social and emotional wellbeing of their children and […]

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Happy Pants

Author: Heather Gallagher

When Mummy wears her happy pants we build sandcastles, go out for baby cinos and have lots and lots of cuddles. But when she comes home with baby Darcy, her happy pants stay in her wardrobe… “Postnatal Depression effects 1 in 7 women. Happy Pants is a heartfelt way to help older children know that […]

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Journey to Wellville

Author: Written and illustrated by parents with a lived experience of mental illness

Journey to Wellville was created by a group of parents who have a lived experience of mental illness. These parents were looking for an appropriate way to open up discussion with their primary-school aged children about living with mental illness. They workshopped some of the ways in which their illness presented, how it looked, sounded, […]

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A monster ate my Mum

Author: Jen Faulkner

This is a children’s book that is written in rhyme, looking at post natal depression (PND) from a child’s perspective. It is suitable for children from 2 years old and is a great way to help young kids to understand that ‘it’s not their fault’ and that ‘mummy will get better’. The book is beautifully […]

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Family care plan template

This care plan template is designed for parents to complete with family members, providing instructions for their care of children when their parents are unwell or unavailable. More information about care plans

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Care plan template – for kids and young people

This care plan template is designed for young people to complete with the guidance of their parent, providing instructions for their care when their parents are unwell or unavailable. More information about care plans

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Talking about mental illness with teenagers

Talking to teenagers about parental mental illness can help them to make sense of their parent’s behaviour and contribute to their own sense of wellbeing. This fact sheet provides some tips to assist parents to talk with theirteenage children.

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Talking about mental illness with children

Talking to children about parental mental illness can help them to make sense of their parent’s behaviour andcontribute to their own sense of wellbeing. This fact sheet provides some tips to assist parents to talk with theirchildren.

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Talking about mental illness with toddlers

Talking with a toddler about parental mental illness can help them to make sense of the illness. This fact sheet provides some tips to help parents to talk with toddlers about it. ‘Whether it’s you or your partner who’s well, unwell or becoming well, how you communicate with your toddler is really important. Small children […]

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Connecting with babies about mental illness

Communicating with a baby about parental mental illness can help them make sense of their parent’s behaviour. This fact sheet provides some tips to help parents communicate with their baby about it.

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Evidence-based research summaries – COPMI ‘GEMS’

The aim of ‘Gateways to Evidence that MatterS’ (GEMS) is to provide a summary of recent Australian and international research concerning children of parents with a mental illness (aged 0-18 years), their parents and families. While research in this area is growing, there is a lack of evidence-based practice when working with families affected by […]

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Download Free COPMI Resources

For use by families where a parent has a mental illness, their supporters, and services who work with them.