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COPMI flyer for parents and families

Designed for distribution in reception areas, on community notice boards, at conferences & events. For parents who experience mental health problems, or are diagnosed with a mental illness, their partners and supporters. It lists information and resources...

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COPMI flyer

Designed for distribution in reception areas, on community notice boards, at conferences & events. General information about COPMI – who we are, what we do and the resources we have available for families and mental health professionals. 

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Family Talk booklet

Developed in partnership with families and young people, this booklet contains tips and information for parents with mental health problems, their children, other family members and support people. Topics include answering questions, discussing things as a family and...

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The Best For Me and My Baby booklet

This booklet was developed with and for women with a mental health condition or mental illness (and their partners) who are thinking about having a baby, are new parents or are about to have a baby. It encourages health professionals and parents to work together to...

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Just Being Me – middle-school teacher’s booklet

This teaching resource was developed in conjunction with MindMatters. It offers a package of ideas for middle school teachers using 'Helicopter Man' or 'Lochie Leonard, Legend' as class texts. Potential outcomes for students include increased understanding of mental...

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Inpatient Mental Health Service Family Friendly Checklist

Check how 'family-friendly' your inpatient or community mental health services are by comparing them with these COPMI checklists. They have been developed from information provided by parents with a mental illness, their partners, support people and children as...

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The ‘Family Focus’ DVD

Many parents who experience depression or anxiety worry about whether they should talk with their children about their illness and how much they should say. The Family Focus DVD helps parents to start this conversation with their children.

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Community Mental Health Service Family Friendly Checklist

Check how 'family-friendly' your inpatient or community mental health services are by comparing them with the COPMI checklist. They have been developed from information provided by parents with a mental illness, their partners, support people and children as well as...

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Your child’s support network

This guide was developed in partnership with parents who live with a mental illness, their children and supporters. It is designed to help parents think about the relationships in their child's life and ways to strengthen these to support their child and the family...

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Brighter Futures

The Family and Community Services website offers these pages on the Brighter Futures program offered across NSW. It is oriented to professionals andoffers links to a range of Brighter Futures Practice Resources (which feature specialised guidance to support work with...

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Big and me

This story is a metaphor for a child living with an adult who experiences mental illness. Big and Me is dramatically illustrated with paper sculpture. The story follows Big and Small who are machines that work together as a team. But some days Big goes a bit wobbly,...

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